We are Venture Real Estate


Zig Ziglar famously said that you can have everything in life you want if you help enough other people get what they want.

That is our philosophy at Venture Real Estate.

Our team of passionate real estate practitioners are excited to help you build wealth through smarter real estate investing. 

We are willing to tackle difficult projects and perform beyond expectations, building by building.  Each of us individually, and all of us together, will strive to deliver unique solutions to your individual real estate needs.

Venture's team experience includes:

  • Marketing and developing opportunities for raw ground

  • Development of commercial lots and structures

  • Listing residential properties, including condos and acreages

  • Property management consulting

  • Transition of family farms/ranches to heirs for development or resale

  • Real estate acquisitions and win-win solutions for partnership opportunities

People like to say, ‘we go the extra mile for our clients.’ But I believe in helping you take the complete journey. If I’m going to help someone, I’ll be with them throughout the process, not just part of the way.
— Curtis Eilers

Venture Real Estate Realtors

How may we serve you?