Latona road Development property

Shasta County, CA

Key Property Features

  • 115 Acres

  • Located just outside of Redding, CA (Population 91,000)

  • Existing lake on the property

Development Plans

  • Current plans include a 5 phase development of an RV Storage / Campground with potential for installation of solar panels to power most if not all of the lands electrical needs.

    • Phase 1: RV / Boat Storage

    • Phase 2: RV / Boat Storage Cont.

    • Phase 3: RV Park

    • Phase 4: RV / Camping Park

    • Phase 5: Hotel / RV Park Store

Concept Plan

Concept Plan

Why Rv Storage / Camping?

  • More than 10 million U.S. households own an RV while more than 17 million are looking to buy one.

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Why Solar Power?

  • Offsets over 40% of energy costs

  • Cost of installing solar PV systems has decreased from almost $8/watt in 2008 to just over $2 a watt in 2018. This means a faster payback time for taking on the project.

Read more about the potential of solar power in the RV Storage space here.

Read more about the potential of solar power in the RV Storage space here.